London calling: The lure of the PR capital | Richmond & Towers
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24th February | Aoife O'Connor back

London calling: The lure of the PR capital

From the moment I began telling my family and friends I was moving to London I was bombarded with concerns about the vast amount of time I would spend commuting to and from work, rental costs or as my mother stated in typical Irish Mammy fashion “I can’t hug Skype”.

While the occasional Tube strike can hamper your fondness for the capital, moving to London is something of a rite of passage for many Irish PR graduates. With media relations at the forefront of what we do as an industry and since most of Europe’s leading media are based in London, it made sense for me to gravitate towards the capital.

Admittedly, starting a new job as well as a move to another country can seem scary and it was! It goes without saying, I needed a little help. The shift from working in the PR industry in Ireland to the UK took time to adjust as there’s a lot to learn. The concept of selling-in – whereby publicists call a long list of journalists to tell them about a story or product launch on behalf of clients – was something I had yet to experience. While challenging at times it has given me a truly interesting insight into how the media works and it’s a great feeling to see a glowing review about a product you’re representing, not to mention knowing that you’ve achieved a result for your client.

Now, going into my fourth month at Richmond & Towers I can confirm that not only is it a truly exciting time to be working in the PR industry as a whole but even more so in the impending face of Brexit. The potential for change means that businesses must address their internal communications strategy as well as their external image which we as public relations professionals are well-placed to do.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the past few months getting to grips with the UK PR industry and moving to London,  both of which were made all the more easier by the Richmond & Towers crew who are a wonderful, friendly and sociable bunch, who make coming into work every day that little bit easier. I’m excited to learn more about this dynamic industry and to make a positive contribution to our clients.

Why not check out my ‘Top Four Must Do’s’ for any PR graduate during their first stint in the Big Smoke:

Don’t be afraid to ask!

It may be a cliché, but I’ve learnt that it’s so important to ask questions. Aside from showing people that you are interested in what you’re doing, it’s also very natural that at some point in your new job you may be unsure of what you’re doing. I’ve learnt very quickly that it’s ok not to have all the answers straight away, people are happy to help, and in the long run, it’ll save you a lot of time staring blankly at your computer screen hoping for the best!

Jump on every opportunity

If an opportunity arises, sit in on internal meetings. I was lucky enough to be invited to a brainstorm meeting within my first week, and it was a really helpful experience.

Spend time getting to know your colleagues.

I started at a really great time at Richmond & Towers – right before the annual company Christmas trip. This was a great chance to put myself out there, and get to know everyone and its definitely paid off!


In a period where Trump is president, Salt Bae broke the internet and Winona Ryder made those meme inducing facial expressions at the SAG awards – good PR has never been more important. To put it simply there’s never a dull moment in PR!

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